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Gov Rick Scott stealing again.....Phony insurance companies set up months after Rick Scott was elected have taken over $1 billion out of the Citizens Reserve Fund in a complete scam.

Gov Rick Scott stealing again.....Phony insurance companies set up months after Rick Scott was elected have taken over $1 billion out of the Citizens Reserve Fund in a complete scam. Scott claims he’s “helping” Floridians by destroying Citizens Insurance company, the opposite has happened as property insurance rates have skyrocketed since he was elected and many people in coastal areas can’t afford any coverage at all. So A $6.4 million scam seems like nothing. But when West Palm Beach law firm Ackerman, Link & Sartory was given a contract to “oversee strategy” for lawyers that Citizens already pays to represent it one state lawmaker called the deal “a sham.” Attorney Scott Link will get $525 an hour and more than $1 million a year. He won’t be in any courtrooms, he’ll be overseeing “strategy.” No one knows what that work product will actually be. But Floridians paying into Citizens for their last chance at property insurance are watching their money get handed out by the millions to Scott’s supporters. Watch the campaign contributions, you can bet that Scott Link and his firm will be giving lots of cash to Scott.